Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Finding the Path to the Rainbow Bridge

There comes a time in any living creature's life that they must face their own mortality. Mine is now. I've been sick for the last few weeks have had trips to the vet. I've been put on some antibiotics to treat a possible UTI and that's made me feel better, but I'm losing my appetite and am feeling weak. I'm not ready to go, yet, but have promised Ed and Kim that I'll let them know when I am. I still enjoy being part of the family, fighting for attention, and getting the primo spot on the bed for sleep at night. I don't enjoy being given the medicines and have made Ed promise that if these antibiotics don't work, he's not going to force anything else on me. I've also let him know that I don't want any more tests, operations or any other poking and prodding. I'll still take my pain medication since it can be mixed with my food, is fish flavored and does help a great deal.

I'm not afraid of crossing the Rainbow Bridge, as I've led as good a life as any Cat could have done. I'd almost died as a kitten, was rescued, lived the college life, traveled, survived tornados and hurricanes, saw the creation of a family, the birth of Ed's and Kim's two children and now live in a large, comfortable house with three other Cats that have been nothing but fantastic and respectful friends. I'm excited that I may at last be able to see my sister Mei Ling again, as well as cute little Neko and Jasmine.

As I walk the path to the Rainbow Bridge, I will think about all the love I've received, and will be thankful for all the love I was allowed to give. Thank You, Ed and Kim ... almost 17 years ago, with you, I found my place in the sun and have enjoyed the warmth.


At 4:15 AM, Blogger Jovianne said...

Missed and thought of often. Your blog has always put a smile on my face but today it's a sad smile.
Travel safely little one.
Safe journey.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger walaski said...

Sherry and Jovianne, thank you SO much for your too-kind words. It's in memories that we all, humans and Cats alike (and even dogs and other lesser animals) can live forever. I'm still not ready to leave, but know now that day will come ... probably too soon.


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